Bird Hike Through History
March 23, 2024
10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Stella Niagara Preserve, Lewiston, NY
Visitors to Niagara Falls from the 17th to the early-19th Centuries wrote in amazement of the birds seen surrounding the Niagara River. Birds of all sorts were documented in "great numbers" and "multitudes" by the European naturalists, military officers, and travelers who visited one of the period's great wonders of the world. Indigenous inhabitants of the Niagara region also interacted with the local birds and shared their stories with colonial visitors. Today, birders from around the world visit the Niagara River for a chance to see our special birds.
Join Andrew Gaerte, the Western New York Land Conservancy’s Director of Development and Communications, for a bird hike through history at our Stella Niagara Preserve. We will look for birds that can be found in meadows, trees, and on the Niagara River, and we will learn more about how bird life has changed in the Niagara region over the last 300 years.